Great Barrier Reef may be gone in 20 years
The Great Barrier Reef will be so degraded by warming
waters that it will be unrecognizable within 20 years. Charlie
Veron, former chief scientist of the Australian Institute of
Marine Science, told The Times: “There is no way out, no
loopholes. The Great Barrier Reef will be over within
20 years or so.” Once carbon dioxide had hit the
levels predicted for between 2030 and 2060, all
coral reefs were doomed to extinction, he said. “They
would be the world's first global ecosystem to collapse.
I have the backing of every coral reef scientist, every
research organization. I've spoken to them all. This is
critical. This is reality.”

Teeming with millions of species and one-fifth of the world's
waters that it will be unrecognizable within 20 years. Charlie
Veron, former chief scientist of the Australian Institute of
Marine Science, told The Times: “There is no way out, no
loopholes. The Great Barrier Reef will be over within
20 years or so.” Once carbon dioxide had hit the
levels predicted for between 2030 and 2060, all
coral reefs were doomed to extinction, he said. “They
would be the world's first global ecosystem to collapse.
I have the backing of every coral reef scientist, every
research organization. I've spoken to them all. This is
critical. This is reality.”
Amazon Rain Forest may turn into a desert

fresh water, the Amazon is the world's largest tropical rainforest.
However, global warming and deforestation are reversing the
forest's role as a carbon sink, converting 30-60% of the
rainforest into dry savannah. Projections show the forest
could disappear completely by 2050.
Sahara Desert may become green

surrounding regions are greening due to increasing rainfall.
If sustained, these rains could revitalize drought-ravaged regions,
reclaiming them for farming communities. This desert-shrinking
trend is supported by climate models, which predict a return
to conditions that turned the Sahara into a lush savanna some
12,000 years ago.
Hurricanes may become more devastating than Katrina

global warming. But there are indications that global warming
will produce more Category 5 hurricanes --and Katrina was
only Category 4 when it hit Louisiana. Hurricanes derive their
power in part from warm water, and so forecasting models
show future hurricanes becoming more severe as sea surface
temperatures rise. Global warming also makes hurricanes more
destructive by raising the sea level, which leads to more
serious coastal flooding. (According to the EPA, a two-foot
rise would swallow a chunk of the U.S. bigger
than Massachusetts.)
London may disappear underwater by 2100

from global warming. In fact, a major threat is for those large
urban areas which are at risk of eventually being submerged
underwater. This is caused by a change in sea levels that
occurs when global warming takes place, resulting in coastal
cities being destroyed by flooding. Dozens of the world's cities,
including London and New York, could be flooded by the end
of the century, according to research which suggests that global
warming will increase sea levels more rapidly than was previously
thought. London is one of the major world capitals at high risk
of this type of flooding, as depicted in this shot from the 2007
movie Flood. Scientists say that the city could be under water
as early as within the next one hundred years.
Animals may shrink

The research, based on analysis of body mass of fish, plankton,
and bacteria in European ecosystems, comes just weeks after
scientists reported that sheep on a Scottish island are shrinking
due to warmer conditions.
The new study reveals that individual species lost an average of
50 percent of their body mass over the past 30 years. The reduced
body size is the third universal ecological response to global
warming. An earlier sheep study suggested that shorter and
milder winters mean lambs do not need to put on as much as
weight as they once did in order to survive their first year of life,
a factor that could also impact fish populations. Nonetheless the
researchers say the shift could alter food chains, with apex
predators being particularly affected by shrinking prey.
2,000 Indonesian islands may disappear

At least 2,000 small islands across archipelagic Indonesia may
disappear by 2030 as a consequence of excessive mining and
other environment-damaging activities. Indonesia has already
lost 24 of its more than 17,500 islands.
Global warming may increase terrorism

Global warming could destabilize "struggling and poor" countries
around the world, prompting mass migrations and creating
breeding grounds for terrorists. People are likely to flee
destabilized countries, and some may turn to terrorism.
The conditions exacerbated by the effects of climate change
could increase the pool of potential recruits into terrorist activity.
According to the chairman of the National Intelligence Council
in the US, economy refugees will perceive additional reasons
to flee their homes because of harsher climates. That will put
pressure on countries receiving refugees, many of which
will have neither the resources nor interest to host these
climate migrants.
The Alps may melt completely

Glaciers are retreating in warm, dry winters and hotter summers
caused by global warming, and although snowfall in the
2008-2009 ski seasons was substantial, overall recent years
have seen less snow at low altitudes, and receding glaciers
and melting permafrost higher up - with a significant impact
on winter tourism activities. It is predicted that the glaciers
will be gone between 2030 and 2050. Italy and Switzerland
have decided to redraw their border after global warming
dissolved Alpine glaciers that marked out the frontier between
the two countries.
The Maldives may be submerged

The lowest and flattest country in the world is suffering coastal
erosion, and could find itself submerged if sea levels carry on
rising, with the islands growing smaller and smaller. This extreme
prediction is a devastating prospect for residents and bad news
for the tourists who descend on its soft white beaches and
warm waters each year. Scientists give it only about one
hundred years before it completely disappears into the
ocean surrounding it.
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